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Band songlist


An early Libertines track, Mockingbird is credited to Doherty and Barat. Mockingbird was first released as an "extra" track on US and Japanese versions of The Libertines' debut album, Up the Bracket, then released again as a B Side track to Don't Look Back Into the Sun, in August 2003.

Although an earlier recording than the released version exists (known as the Endeacott demo version), featuring original Libertines vocalist Scarborough Steve, it has yet to be made available for fans to hear.

Appearing on

Dont' Look Back Into the Sun The LibertinesSingle2004-09-14
Endeacott's demos (Steve Bedlow Vocal) The LibertinesDemoUnknown
Horrorshow in London Town The LibertinesSessionUnknown


Woodstower Festival Peter DohertyGrand Parc De Miribel Jonage, Lyon, France2010-09-03
Ricos Music Club Peter DohertyGreenock, Scotland2010-04-04
Rhythm Factory Peter DohertyLondon (Whitechapel), UK2004-07-13
Duke of Clarence The LibertinesLondon, UK2004-02-18


I won me a mocking bird a mocking bird a mocking bird
I won me a mocking bird
when I gambled all night long
Mocking bird was a talking bird,
Squawking bird, a squawking bird.
Mocking bird was a squawking bird
squawking all night long

I tried for the money,
but I just wasn't able.
Had two more drinks and then
I slipped under the table
and she mocked me all night long.

Drinks served by a Chinese girl, Chinese Girl, a Chinese Girl
Drinks served by a Chinese girl
She was Chinese all night long
She said 'you can look my boy
but you can't touch.
You got the jack some five and a couple of threes and I got the royal flush.'

She rocked me all night long.

BandThe Libertines
CreditsCarl Barat
Peter Doherty